Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Popcorn's Blog Is One Year Old Today!

It’s hard to believe, but today marks the one year anniversary of Popcorn - Fresh Every Day

On this occasion, would like to specially thank my friends Praveena (who introduced me to this blogging world), Rohini (who forwards messages to Popcorn), Monu - my sweet sister (first follower to Popcorn), Vandana Sharan (who always supported by giving feedback) and last but not least... My brother Siva who always by me...


The first year has truly been an amazing year but the blog is not where I want to be yet...

And there are many more big changes in the upcoming year as well... Love to hear your thoughts - so tell us what you hope to see in the future.

I will keep working to improve my blog.  I appreciate all of you who have visited this year, and hope you keep coming back for years.

So keep checking in!

PS: Happy Birthday Praveena :-)

May all your dreams and wishes come true... Enjoy your day...

And here is your birthday gift...





Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary!

It's mine too!

Popcorn said...

Wish you the same teena :-)

Popcorn - Fresh Every Day